Tiny Fragmented Shell Nekclace
Small Textured Fragmented Shell Necklace
Mini Pebble Pendant
Tiny Cowri Necklace
Large Fragmented Shell Necklace
Cockle Necklace
Periwinkle Necklace
Pebble Pendant
Small Smooth Fragmented Shell Necklace
Mini Pearl Pedant
Tiny Periwinkle Necklace
Limpet Outline Necklace
Limpet Imprint Necklace
In-Line Cockle Necklace
Three Pebble Pendant
Shell Charm and Pearl Necklace
Cockle Pearl Necklace
Pearl Necklace
Fragmented Shell Chain and Baroque Pearl
Textured Fragmented Shell Necklace
Pebble Pearl Pendant
Smooth Fragmented Shell Pearl Necklace
Pearl Pendant
Limpet Imprint Pearl Necklace
Large Fragmented Shell Pearl Necklace
Half Pearl and Chain Necklace
Limited Edition - Cirrus Chain
Limited Edition - Stratus Chain
Limited Edition - Cumulus Chain
In-Line Whelk Centre Necklace
In-Line Fragmented Shell Necklace
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